thx 4 reading my coretan hidup
nie pun i wat yg baru
yg lama sumer dh padam
thx 2 my studs sbbkan i jd blogger back

Saturday, December 31, 2011

muhasabah 2011

nie i try to muhasabah diri i 4 d year 2011..

i start with akhirat..

ucap kalimah syahadat - erm.. sll gak..
solat - setakat yg diketahui.. xpernah tggl dgn sengaja kowt.. mana yg terlajak 2 i qada..
puasa - penuh setakat yg aku rasa la..
zakat - fitrah wat dh.. pendptn pun dh..
haji - tgh kumpul duit kat TH..

kalo dunia lak..

keta - tgh ansuran..
moto - dpt adik nyer.. setakat elok.. credit 2 shahrol..
umah - in d process dh beli.. tgg siap jer thn dpn..
tanah - mmg xbeli agy xde duit..
gadjet - thn nie beli netbook, handset n tab.. astro, tenet, tv, pc, ps2 semua ad dh..

kalo keje lak..

spm 2010 - perfect.. syukur 100%A..
pmr 2011 - perfect gak.. syukur 100%A..
501 - best ajar diorg cuma ntah la result nnnt.. hope 4 all A 4 both subjcts..
koop - br dpt duty.. boley la.. xla ssh cuma busy jer..

niey jer la yg mampu dimuhasabahkan.. but syukur sgt semua berjln lancar bg thn 2011..
i nyer azam semua tercapai kowt.. alhamdulillah..
moga thn dpn berjaya la jugak mintak nyer..

#cuma terkilan MRSM Parit xbukak, so xdpt la pindh parit agy.. huhuhu..

Thursday, December 22, 2011

PMR 2011

firstly, wanna say..
congratez to all f3 studs coz dpt A in math..
syukur sgt 100% A math..
skrang nie tgh senyum sajer.. hehehe..
nie result penuh mrsm lgg..

bm 143a
bi 125a 17b 1c
sej 135a 8b
geo 140 a 2b 1c
pai 140 a 3b
math 143 a
sains 139 a 4b
kh 142 a 1b

8a 116
7a 23

gp maktab 1.034..

updated ranking out of 39

mrsm lgg num 6

bm - 5
bi - 10
math - 7
sains - 31
sej - 17
geo - 22
pai - 16
kh - 32

TAHNIAH semua..

Sunday, December 18, 2011

bizz week

penat kowt mgg nie..
ari nie dh kena balek lgg..
esok g kl..
meeting kat hq..
esok gak kena byr umah rehat trgganu..
meeting 2 hari habis rabu..
then, kena balek lgg..
sbb khamis mayb result pmr..
kalut i mgg nie.. risau pun ad..
mana x risau..
satu nyer psl result pmr..
dua nyer mesti kena bambu sbb f1,f2,n f4 marks math diorg terok giler..
dh la xngajo diorg..
xtaw apa nk menjwb..
dlm hati nk jer ckp bebudak tue semua "xpandai"..
tp confem kena sekeh balek..
cuma best nyer kat kl ley la joli2.. tgk2 org..
dh lama xg joli kat kl..
hazmi pun g kl gak..
ley shopping skali..
abg sedey pun ad..
harap2, i will enjoy my days there..
sbb balik2 jer lgg.. mesti dh xbaper sonok sbb pk result pmr..
ish3.. risau2..
will i be in d history or not..
hehehe.. hanya Allah jer yg taw..

Friday, December 9, 2011

5 alpha 2011

addin naim - kat uni nnt blaja sungguh2.. sambil 2 jg nawar elok2, ek..
azham - good mathematician.. cuma jgn la pemalu sgt, ek..
alip - b a hardworking students in uni.. jgn lupa jg makan..
fiedo - i think u r a good lawyer.. if wanna b doctor, jgn loyar byk sgt, ek..
aizat - will b a fine gentleman.. blaja elok2 dpt keje best2..
yus - dont b a playboy.. study bebetul kat uni..
palie - will b an interesting student in uni..
ca'on - b a good students in uni.. jgn segan sgt ngan lecturer..
zuher - smart student already but plz less smoking in future.. jg kesihatan..
najib - make sure kat u nnt jgn enjoy sgt.. study well at uni..
mia - u r a good student both in academic n society.. ley jd MPP yg best kat uni..
mira - confem byk laki pikat kat uni nnt.. so jgn lupa study elok2..
pqa - becoming better students day by day.. seronok tgk perkmbgn u..
sya'az - kat uni nnt study elok2.. n jg n tgk korea bg pihak sir..
umuru - study elok2 kat uni.. jg2 tyme berkawan kat uni..
fatin - jgn jd boyish sgt kat uni, ek.. study 4 excellent result..
sin yee - ur hardworking will make u a perfect professional in future..
kak pah - will b a gud lawyer coz u now how 2 debate but control ur anger well..
balqis - excellent in math cuma kekdg careless n tulisan bg cantik skit, ek..
amalia - hardworking students but do not make simple mistakes in math in d future..
farhana - good in math but jgn rendh diri sgt, bykkn bercakap..
syu - harap u nyer sakit sembuh dgn elok nyer n do well in ur study
reha - selalu jmp lecturer kalo ad prob kat uni nnt.. jgn pendam coz u r clever..
azi - u r a nice gurl.. study hgg berjaya sambil jg wan 2 betui2..
iylia - u r gud debater so lawyer is suits 4 u..
bella - nice mathematician n plz always smile br nmpk xgarang..
amie - u r good in math but plz do not make a simple mistakes n minum susu bebyk..
tera - b a nice lady.. taw la dh ad bf but control mkn, ek..
syahirah - hope u will back next year in d best condition n sembuh elok2..

p/s: nie cuma luahan sir ajer.. jgn terasa or amik hati.. apapun sir syg u all n jgn study cincai2 kat u .. prove u r a talented students in uni n will b a great professional in future.. GOODLUCK!!

tamatnyer 2011

dh habih dh sethn agy mengajar..
thn yg mencabar..
both f3 n f5..
penat giler..
but enjoyed..
sonok sgt ajar 3 alpha, 3 gamma n 5 alpha..
ad masa garang.. ad masa suka, ad masa terhibur..
kekdg geram ngan diorg nyer telatah..
tp will miss them lot..
f5 mmg confem xde..
yg f3 semua nyer nk g pkp..
xde yg nk tggl kat lgg..
angkara ust diorg..*jgn marah i, ek*
tp i setuju gak ngan alasan die..
lepas nie saper la nk jd peneman i..
zuhair xde,bad xde, fiedo xde, bdk2 alpha xde..
dh mula mood sedey..
teringat la plak kat diorg semua..
301 n 305 xlama agy kita jumpa..
hopefully u all will get a in math..
n really hope 100% a math in PMR..
satu satunyer batch f3 i jd penyelaras..
hope 4 miracle n history n legend..
hahahaha.. tinggi tul harapan..
yg 501..
i really love u guyz..
suka sgt mengajar u all..
dh la muka i paling nyk u all jmp..
tiap2 hari plak..
asik math addmath math addmath..
tp best sbb juz tumpu kat u all..
no need 2 pay attention at d rest..
jmp bln 3 thn dpn jgn la wat muka sedey dpn sir..
nk sgt u all a in both my papers..