thx 4 reading my coretan hidup
nie pun i wat yg baru
yg lama sumer dh padam
thx 2 my studs sbbkan i jd blogger back

Monday, December 22, 2014

Pic in Vietnam

Here i put some pics during my travel at Vietnam..

at mosque..

house of making rice crispy cake..

chu chi tunnel..



lunch beside the river..

at war museum of Saigon City..


in front of french cathederal..


in the post office during french era..


in front Hard Rock Cafe Ho Chi Minh..

Monday, December 15, 2014

holiday in Vietnam

dh seminggu balik dr vietnam..
br ad masa nk menulis..
quite happening..
sbb yg g skali geng2 yg best2,,
lah, pian n nazri..
then kak aida, kak zan n kak peah..
mmg release tension n penat 11 bln keje..
before flight..
lepak kat times square hotel..
sempat gak menyopping maggie n air..
then mlm lak g tgk wyg..
yg hampeh nyer semua kata rugi jer tgk..
sbb citer mockingjay..
haha.. aku jer kowt yg paham sbb dh tgk dr part awal..
diorg mayb xtaw pangkal citer..
tue yg kata bosan..
next day, br flight g ho chi minh..
br la berkumpul semua yg ikut trip tue..
dlm 20 org semua nyer..
tiba sana, dr flight nmpk delta mekong..
cantik sbb rata jer.. xder pun bukit2.. cam malaysia..
sg pun besar, luas, pjg n bengkang bengkok..
terpegun tgk dr flight..
bangunan sana pun xder la tinggi2 cam malaysia..
kuar airport trus disambut ngan tour guide..
nama vietnam nyer dh lupa.. tp pggl die malek..
nickname bg org malaysia.. hehe..
peramah orgnyer..
first thing sampai, dia bwk naik coaster..
g masjid.. quite impressive sbb tgh2 bangunan..
dok sana cam dok kat sabah dia py cuaca..
jam lewat 1 jam dr malaysia..
after solat, kitorg g thien lien hotel..
ntah betui ker eja nyer aku pun xigt..
but really dekat ngan ben thant market..
at 8 pm kitorg g mkn kat restoran islam..
mati2 igt xsedap.. but wow.. xla teruk rasenyer..
interesting gak.. n very meriah.. byk die nyer menu..
so after dinner, mula la keje memeriahkan pasar ben thant..
dr dlm hingga ke luar..
semua nyer jelajah..
wow.. tyme jelaha pasar mlm plak,
dh mcm kat malaysia..
sbb byk giler org malaysia..
ckp pun ngan tauke2 dlm bahasa melayu..
dh plak tue.. pakai ringgit laku jer..
nyesal lak tukar pd dong.. huhu..
yg sure nyer.. baju n kain sana mmg murah2..
first day, just survey2 jer..
balik hotel pun dh 11 mlm sana..
next day, bgn pg awal giler.. sbb subuh kul 5 pg..
then sarapan lak xberani mkn kat hotel..
last2 xmkn.. cuma mkn maggie kongsi ngan lah.. itupun skit jer..
nasib baik amik biskut dr kak peah..
ad gak kenyang kejap..
trip pertama g hutan..
tgk tempat org vietnam sekat usa..
terowong cu chi..
kat situ tgk segala kelengkapan tentera vietnam..
jauh lebih xcanggih dr usa but they win cause of their determination..
rajin diorg wat perangkap.. ngeri gak tgk..
then, we entered their tunnel..
diorg ley dok dlm tunnel yg pjg n kecik..
naseb baek muat bdan tyme masuk tue.. hehe
paste, ley plak singgah diorg bg mkn ubi kayu..
cam zaman perang jer..
minum lak teh pandan..
2 jam dok dlm hutan tue.. selongkar semua..
after that, kuar g plak lunch kat tepi sungai..
tyme mkn nie jumpa geng2 hafiz hamidon..
going back to ho chi minh city..
singgah plak kat war museum..
kat sini yg bagusnyer..
sgt2 memilukan hati..
org vietnam amik gambar semua kejadian bom orange..
bom kimia yg usa lepaskan kat org vietnam..
biler tgk gambar tue..
adoyai.. really take away my heart..
pk lama2.. renung lama2..
sedey giler..
mengalir gak tears yg ditahan lama..
dh xlarat nk sedey2.. cepat2 kuar..
amik plak gambar kat luar.. dgn flight, tanks, heli, cannon..
my conclusion here, really a good museum vietnam wat..
sgt menyentuh hati walaupun xsehebat teknology museum kat malaysia..
diorg just papar semua kesan2 perang..
hope malaysia py museum d something yg ley terkesan kat hati pengunjung..
after that singgah at post office n notre catholic church..
dua2 binaan aman penjajah france kat vietnam..
quite big.. n beautiful n antic..
dh puas tangkap gambar.. kitorg jln kaki..
g hard rock cafe ho ch minh..
kat sana sempat gak tangkap gambar kat gitar hard rock..
then we going back sebelum sggh.. kat kedai baju..
shopping kain baju telekung..
mlm mcm biasa.. g pasar malam ben thant..
shopping agy..
n sempat gak g massage kaki..
lega giler sbb after jln byk sgt..
dpt massage..
habis tue, trus balik hotel..
nk tdo sbb penat tp kepala penin2..
last2.. muntah habis sbb bdn kena gastrik..
arghh... luckily kak aida bawak panadol..
telan 2 biji, mkn roti.. then trus tdo..
esoknyer bgn lega..
awal2 trus mkn byk2 sbb xmaw gastrik agy..
agypun going to delta mekong..
2 hours journey..
tba sana..
naik bot.. lintas sg mekong yg luas gak..
tba tebing sblh.. trus masuk tmpt wat gula kelapa..
habis tgk the process..
kitorg menyelusuri jln ke kedai buah kat hujung..
kiri kanan kedai2 cenderahati n buah..
sempat gak beli pisang yg besar giler..
baru mkn sebijik trus kenyang.. hehe
kat sini la paling menyesal..
sbb sgt2 geram xdpt beli beg yang cantik utk mak.. huuhu..
sedey biler igt balik.. menyesal xsudah.. huhu..
kat hujung.. ad lak persembahan vietnam..
sambil mkn buah dgr diorg nyanyi..
memula lagu vietnam then lagu indon n malaysia..
awek nyanyi semua kurus2.. but not so pretty..
quite entertaining music..
buah kat situ diorg jamu, nangka, naga, ciku, apple susu, pineapple..
sedap2.. masak n ranum..
habis jer mkn buah..
kitorg berjalan ke belakang kedai.. ikut denai..
sebelah kiri kanan kg2..
pokok2 buah, ayam , itik..
sampai la jumpa sg kecik..
so kat sini kena naik sampan.. 4 org satu sampan..
siap pk topi org vietnam..
firstly thought that sg kecik nie mesti cam kat bangkok..
ruper nyer meleset..
just diorg bawak ikut sg kiri kana pokok nipah..
bkn ad jual beli pun..
last2 smp balik tempat mula kitorg turun bot..
then br terpk yg wow.. camtue pun diorg ley wat sumber pendptn..
xsangka.. n sedey gak..
tgk makcikpakcik kayuh sampan tue..
huhu.. mest penat giler..
habis tue trus g bot.. n then diberi lak.. buah kelapa..
perghh.. cam taw2 jer kitorg penat n haus..
ap agy.. laju jer air nyer licin..
on d way balik bandar..
sggh agy kilang baju kain..
shopping agy..
mmg inila attraction vietnam..
kain baju yg murah..
after that kitorg g pasar cina kat sana..
mcm pasar borong kat selayang..
tempat org beli borong2..
nk beli satu2 ssh kat sini..
so xder la shoppng sgt..
but still wandering around..
jumpa byk gak kedai kulit..
agak murah kulit2 situ..
mana yg nk beli kasut kulit.. mmg best..
cuma jenama vienam la..
selesai sana, trus balik hotel..
then we had dinner at quite far restaurant from hotel..
sedap n menarik utk last dinner in vietnam..
after dinner, tbalah last night for shopping in pasar mlm..
tyme nie aku shopping sakan..
habis semua di beli..
hgg habis dong n rm yg aku bawa..
shopping smp la kul 11 mlm..
habis semua.. puas hati..
balik la ke hotel..
next day which is d last day..
flight kul 4 ptg..
so b4 g airport kul 12..
sepat la g meronda pasar ben thant for last tyme..
pusing2 la dlm pasar tue..
tp ap pun xbeli.. hehe
dh puas kat ho chi minh.. tba tyme balik..
kat airport kena la tgg setengah jam..
flight delay..
at last tba kat malaysia kul 7.30 mlm..
igtkan sempat amik ets but horrible sbb lmbt sggh bagasi kuar kat airport..
so mmg xsempat ets.. so tggl la agy kat times square..
next day br la amik ets kul 9 pg..
smp la kat perak..
tired but happening holiday in vietnam..
mlm tue gak taw malaysia kalah pd vietnam..
then taw psl malaysia fan hentak vietnam fan..
lega giler xder kat vietnam tyme tue..
kalo x wajib gerun.. haha..

p.s : just my coretan so that i will remeber this holiday by reading it back.. nk harap aku igt mmg ssh la kalo 10 thn agy.. hehe.. tp yg nie xmasuk ap2 pic.. lain kali la br upload pic.. kalo ad masa..

tidooo... penat menaip...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

dean's list for sem 2 2014

my dear students..
the result of semester 2 2014 has been released..
the date of mailing, i'm still not sure..
but mrsm will post them by next week..
so just be ready at your home address..
but do give them to your parents..
dont keep them only for you..
especially for those not well perform..
just keep thinking that you will upgrade ur png by next semester..
but do keep in your mind to increase ur study performance..
if not the same result will come out..

quite a straightforward starting.. hahaha..
be relax.. just a thought..
now, i wanna congratulate these dean's list for this semester..


Form 1, 40 students..

14002 14045 14091 14157
14004 14046 14097 14164
14009 14054 14123 14166
14010 14055 14126 14174
14018 14056 14127 14181
14020 14061 14132 14185
14025 14064 14133 14187
14029 14067 14144 14191
14031 14084 14148 14199
14044 14087 14151 14212

Form 2, 77 students..

13002 13052 13118 13169
13006 13059 13122 13170
13008 13065 13125 13177
13010 13077 13126 13179
13012 13078 13130 13182
13016 13079 13131 13183
13023 13083 13136 13185
13028 13084 13140 13188
13031 13085 13144 13192
13034 13086 13145 13194
13035 13094 13147 13200
13036 13096 13148 13202
13038 13097 13149 13203
13039 13101 13150 13213
13042 13106 13152 13214
13045 13107 13155 13215
13047 13109 13159 13216
13049 13110 13162
13050 13115 13163
13051 13116 13168

Form 4, 57 students..

14412 14472 14538 14578
14413 14477 14539 14579
14420 14478 14540 14585
14421 14481 14543 14588
14422 14482 14544 14593
14432 14490 14548 14596
14433 14493 14550 14602
14435 14498 14556 14605
14436 14499 14558 14607
14438 14505 14559 14610
14449 14516 14560 14612
14451 14518 14564 14617
14452 14523 14566
14453 14535 14570
14469 14537 14574
nice to have you all receiving the dean's list next year..
strive to get them again next semester..
congratulation again n have a good holiday..


p/s: my dear form 3, sorry, i cant put your dean's list coz i'm not sure about it yet..

holiday oh holiday

at last..
start la sudah cuti..
nasib baik start awal.. 28th of nov..
kalo x.. lambat agy 4th of dec..
thanks to Sultan Nazrin..
kalo baginda x off kan cuti 27 nov maka, xcuti la 4th dec..
kena la jaga spm agy.. huhuhu..
luckily, baginda batalkan cuti..
dpt la cuti awal..
erm.. cuti yg best thn nie..
sbb keje betui2 selesai.. yeah...
mgg lepas br habis setelkan analisa exam..
then means, habisla keje ku sbg ketua uppm..
alhamdulillah.. setelah 2 n half year,
i'm not kuppm dh..
dh plak tue tambahan gembira..
start 1 nov, i'm no longer a warden..
double happiness...
so, cuti kali nie mmg akan guna sebaiknyer..
tdo, mkn, novel, cinema, shopping..
confirm naik thn baru muka makin tembam..
xsabo nyer plak thn dpn..
camner ek bkn warden n kuppm..
confirm lega..
hope sgt2 jgn la ad byk keje..
sbb nk tumpu kat f5 next year..
aim for 60% A add math next year..
may Allah help me in grabbing the aim..

p/s: xsabar la plak nk lepak vietnam mgg dpn..

Friday, June 6, 2014

selfie oh selfie

welcome back after 3 months..
i dont noe what to talk about..
just wanna share some selfie that my students snap wif my phone..
quite funny when i look back their selfie..
especially to release my tension in marking their answer paper for final semester 1..
i also happy to save their selfie although some are not a good snap..
but to think that i wont be living in mrsm parit as warden next month..
so it will be hard to get their selfie anymore.. hehe..

Saturday, March 22, 2014

SPM 2013's result of MRSM Parit

20 March 2013...
tarikh keramat for mrsm parit..
coz the first batch result for SPM..
ramai cikgu2 gementar nk taw result..
takut sbb first result for mrsm..
aku plak yg g amik result.. taw agy awal skit jer..
memula cdgn nyer pergi dgn HEA..
sbb pengetua xmahu pergi..
then hari kejadian, pengetua mahu g sbb die nk tgk first result..
hehe.. mesti teruja nk taw.. sbb aku pun sama.. hehe
so that day, g la dgn keta die..
sampai2 jer dh mmg mula perjumpaan bersama dgn ppd..
then baru duduk kejap dh nama mrsm dipanggil utk amik result..
wow.. xsangka ontime.. hehe..
pengetua g amik ke dpn n then die bukak.. 
pastue jeng jeng jeng.. trus tgk GPM maktab..
dpt 2.10.. OMG.. xtaw nk seronok ataw x sbb rase cam xberapa best jer..
then ty lak mrsm pasir salak..
pengetua die ckp dpt 1.72..
adoyai.. tyme tue really hoping that not being for the last rank in mrsm..
takut giler..
then mula la proses pemberitahuan kat semua cikgu2..
semua dh terima jer ap nk jd.. 
dh habis tue cek plak yg dpt straight A+ but unlucky we do not get one.. huhu..
tambah sedey skit.. but luckily we got 21 straight A's.. lega jugak..
by that tyme just hoping the best from our rank in mrsm..
then, on the way balik maktab.. dpt taw satu2 gpm maktab lain.. biler sampai parit lega giler sbb ad gak maktab result bawah kitorg..
baru la semua rasa seronok..
at last when the rank out, seronok giler first tyme for spm,
we got rank 18 out of 45.. naik byk dr trial spm..
so here, i want to congratulate at all batch of SPM 2013.. 
tahniah kerana anda semua sudah menggembirakan kami semua..
for my homeroom tahniah kerana semua berjaya mendapat result yg bagus..
utk semua, terima kasih kerana tidak menghampakan saya dlm additional mathematics..
result nie agak bagus dr my expectation.. great works everybody..

here rank of mrsm parit,

GPM  2.10 rank 18 out of 45
total students got straight A+,A,A- ranked 14
 rank gred purata subjek
bahasa melayu - 25
bahasa inggeris - 15
sejarah - 13
pendidikan islam - 39
additional mathematics - 25
mathematics - 36
physics - 26
chemistry - 20
biology - 13
seni visual - 20

p/s : hope that all of u will try to get good course in university and choose wisely using ur result.. wish u all a very good luck in ur future.. sayonara everybody..

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

rank of sem 2 2013

yesterday, d rank of mrsm being emailed..
so, here, i will share them..
but juz for mjsc parit's rank..

Form 4
overall – 17 out of 46
bahasa melayu – 28
bahasa inggeris – 1
biology – 23
physics – 14
chemistry – 38
mathematics – 39
additional mathematics – 35
pendidikan islam– 15
prinsip perakaunan – 36
sejarah – 9
pendidikan moral – 8
rekacipta – 12

Form 2
overall – 27 out of 44
bahasa melayu  – 42
bahasa inggeris – 14
pendidikan islam – 32
mathematics – 24
science – 20
sejarah – 36
geografi – 30
kemahiran hidup – 15

Form 1
overall – 28 out of 45
bahasa melayu – 42
bahasa inggeris – 14
pendidikan islam – 15
mathematics – 41
science – 28
sejarah– 18
geografi – 3
kemahiran hidup – 38

congratulation for all students coz mjsc parit..
try to increase ur rank in d next semester especially for lower ranked subjects..

p/s:- mathematics and additional mathematics.. OMG!! need to be improved!!