thx 4 reading my coretan hidup
nie pun i wat yg baru
yg lama sumer dh padam
thx 2 my studs sbbkan i jd blogger back

Sunday, November 30, 2014

dean's list for sem 2 2014

my dear students..
the result of semester 2 2014 has been released..
the date of mailing, i'm still not sure..
but mrsm will post them by next week..
so just be ready at your home address..
but do give them to your parents..
dont keep them only for you..
especially for those not well perform..
just keep thinking that you will upgrade ur png by next semester..
but do keep in your mind to increase ur study performance..
if not the same result will come out..

quite a straightforward starting.. hahaha..
be relax.. just a thought..
now, i wanna congratulate these dean's list for this semester..


Form 1, 40 students..

14002 14045 14091 14157
14004 14046 14097 14164
14009 14054 14123 14166
14010 14055 14126 14174
14018 14056 14127 14181
14020 14061 14132 14185
14025 14064 14133 14187
14029 14067 14144 14191
14031 14084 14148 14199
14044 14087 14151 14212

Form 2, 77 students..

13002 13052 13118 13169
13006 13059 13122 13170
13008 13065 13125 13177
13010 13077 13126 13179
13012 13078 13130 13182
13016 13079 13131 13183
13023 13083 13136 13185
13028 13084 13140 13188
13031 13085 13144 13192
13034 13086 13145 13194
13035 13094 13147 13200
13036 13096 13148 13202
13038 13097 13149 13203
13039 13101 13150 13213
13042 13106 13152 13214
13045 13107 13155 13215
13047 13109 13159 13216
13049 13110 13162
13050 13115 13163
13051 13116 13168

Form 4, 57 students..

14412 14472 14538 14578
14413 14477 14539 14579
14420 14478 14540 14585
14421 14481 14543 14588
14422 14482 14544 14593
14432 14490 14548 14596
14433 14493 14550 14602
14435 14498 14556 14605
14436 14499 14558 14607
14438 14505 14559 14610
14449 14516 14560 14612
14451 14518 14564 14617
14452 14523 14566
14453 14535 14570
14469 14537 14574
nice to have you all receiving the dean's list next year..
strive to get them again next semester..
congratulation again n have a good holiday..


p/s: my dear form 3, sorry, i cant put your dean's list coz i'm not sure about it yet..

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