thx 4 reading my coretan hidup
nie pun i wat yg baru
yg lama sumer dh padam
thx 2 my studs sbbkan i jd blogger back

Sunday, May 2, 2010


ntah la..
xtaw naper..
ari ni cam xde mood jer..

smlm enjoy jer tgk dvd wif izat, farid n syazli..
kitorg tgk citer mandarin all end well 2010..
lawak2 jer but not as funny as beauty on duty..
pas2 siap mkn roti agy..
diorg blanja..
enjoy tul..

smlm gak cian kat form2 laen..
merempat sbb xder aper2 nk wat..
mana la kad astro 2 gi..
hep pun ntah aper2..
xder tindkn lgsg..

dh la gitu..
ari nie g subuh,
tgk bbdk form 1 yg umah jauh..
sian jer kat diorg..
mostly from other states..
yg dekat semua balik tggl diorg jer..

pg td i bukak la amal nyer blog..
agy sedey..
tgk die nyer luahan..
i really understand ur feelings wif d other ex kemen yg baik2..
but nk wat camner..
ur batch is combining of ex kemen n ex mrsm..
so, i'm sorry 2 say dat the ex mrsm had a bad attitude..
till d teacher being fade up..
so i hope u all sabar la..
ckg2 still syg kat bdk2 yg baek..
bdk2 yg have gud attitude..
ckg2 cuma marah yg had bad attitude jer..
cuma u all try gether urself n try 2 unite..
i taw sush tp u all kena cuba coz if u all show dat u all determine in study..
ckg2 mesti akan berubah sbb ckg2 still syg u all..
be strong my studs..
all of u f5..

mak n abah..
akem syg mak n abah..
next week akem balik..
rindu giler..

A, still miss u rite now..

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