thx 4 reading my coretan hidup
nie pun i wat yg baru
yg lama sumer dh padam
thx 2 my studs sbbkan i jd blogger back

Friday, December 9, 2011

5 alpha 2011

addin naim - kat uni nnt blaja sungguh2.. sambil 2 jg nawar elok2, ek..
azham - good mathematician.. cuma jgn la pemalu sgt, ek..
alip - b a hardworking students in uni.. jgn lupa jg makan..
fiedo - i think u r a good lawyer.. if wanna b doctor, jgn loyar byk sgt, ek..
aizat - will b a fine gentleman.. blaja elok2 dpt keje best2..
yus - dont b a playboy.. study bebetul kat uni..
palie - will b an interesting student in uni..
ca'on - b a good students in uni.. jgn segan sgt ngan lecturer..
zuher - smart student already but plz less smoking in future.. jg kesihatan..
najib - make sure kat u nnt jgn enjoy sgt.. study well at uni..
mia - u r a good student both in academic n society.. ley jd MPP yg best kat uni..
mira - confem byk laki pikat kat uni nnt.. so jgn lupa study elok2..
pqa - becoming better students day by day.. seronok tgk perkmbgn u..
sya'az - kat uni nnt study elok2.. n jg n tgk korea bg pihak sir..
umuru - study elok2 kat uni.. jg2 tyme berkawan kat uni..
fatin - jgn jd boyish sgt kat uni, ek.. study 4 excellent result..
sin yee - ur hardworking will make u a perfect professional in future..
kak pah - will b a gud lawyer coz u now how 2 debate but control ur anger well..
balqis - excellent in math cuma kekdg careless n tulisan bg cantik skit, ek..
amalia - hardworking students but do not make simple mistakes in math in d future..
farhana - good in math but jgn rendh diri sgt, bykkn bercakap..
syu - harap u nyer sakit sembuh dgn elok nyer n do well in ur study
reha - selalu jmp lecturer kalo ad prob kat uni nnt.. jgn pendam coz u r clever..
azi - u r a nice gurl.. study hgg berjaya sambil jg wan 2 betui2..
iylia - u r gud debater so lawyer is suits 4 u..
bella - nice mathematician n plz always smile br nmpk xgarang..
amie - u r good in math but plz do not make a simple mistakes n minum susu bebyk..
tera - b a nice lady.. taw la dh ad bf but control mkn, ek..
syahirah - hope u will back next year in d best condition n sembuh elok2..

p/s: nie cuma luahan sir ajer.. jgn terasa or amik hati.. apapun sir syg u all n jgn study cincai2 kat u .. prove u r a talented students in uni n will b a great professional in future.. GOODLUCK!!



sedihnya. nak jugak sir. doakan saya sir:) i love the way you treat us:) hope to see you in the other time ok? always be yourself because you are great as a teacher!:)

MathLover said...

amal, sir sentiasa doakan student2 sir.. kalo x, xkan la semua dpt A.. hehe.. thx 4 ur compliment..

Anonymous said...

ala sir , sye nk jugak nme sye dlm blog sir :))

MathLover said...

ish3.. xmalu nyer.. sir xajar hawe orange so xreti nk ckp per.. hehehe.. sowi, ek..

Anonymous said...

tade ek ? haha . tape2 . bia sye komen sir . :P

Kakak Gengster said...

waa sir, terharunya :) hee. btw kann sir ni ucapan saya pula dkt sir eh :)

dear sir zul,
keluarlah dari tempurung Lenggong tu, jangan jadi seperti katak di bawah tempurung, baru bole cari calon isteri :) sir sangat baik dan thanks for everything, you raise me up :T hee. lagi hmm, ohh make sure sir kahwin dulu before saya tau!